Joe Boyd, Director, Chief Financial Officer, and Co-Founder of ABJ Solutions has helped clients and small businesses overcome their finance management challenges for years. It’s easier to run a small to medium-sized business when you are working with ABJ Solutions because you don’t have to learn bookkeeping, tax preparation, or forecasting as you go.  Instead, business owners can focus on the things they do best—running a business!

It all starts with a solid financial strategy.  Here are a few points included in Joe’s approach.

Focus on the Goal

Every business owner comes with a different goal in mind, which affects how we strategise with them.  Some business owners come to us because they think they’re ready to expand while others want to know how to map their exit strategy.  Whatever the case, having financial goals is important, which is why we work with our clients to ensure they not only have a goal but understand what it means to them and how it will affect their business.

Document Every Phase

Whether you’re in debt and need to worry about expenses first, or you are ready to introduce a new product or service, we need to document and plan for all of these phases. With a plan in place and room for contingencies and surprises, our clients feel more secure about the future of their company.  Even if it gets rough for a few months before they can turn it around, having a plan will make it all seem less like a mystery and the numbers will tell the rest of the story.

Make Accurate Predictions

Forecasting things like cashflow for your small business can be the difference between spending responsibly and running your business into debt and tax trouble.  We always prefer to work with clients on an individual basis so we can provide better predictions and forecasting for the upcoming fiscal year.